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Introductory Training Courses


JavaScript - Create your first 'Hello World' application in JavaScript and learn about variable, operators, image maps, loops, and the Document Object Model (DOM). Great course for beginners.


How To Articles

Social Networking: The boonside and the baneside

Information About The Four Main Parts Of The Computer

Computer Operating System


Clustering: an Energy Efficient Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

Repair Windows XP in Console Mode

Entering data in Excel using AutoComplete

Remove a Hyperlink in an MS Word document

Copy Text Formatting in MS Word

Toothbrush and Eraser Solved My Problem

How to secure an AT&T Wifi home network

Solve These Operating System Questions

Developing a Relational Database

Realidad Virtual en la EducaciĆ³n

PE 2950 Broadcom 5708 dual NICS fail after Dell update

Enabling Cookies in IE

Enabling Cookies in Netscape

Enabling Cookies in AOL



Word 2002 Videos

Click on the Sections on the left hand side of the page to skip directly to that part of the video.

This first video covers the basics of opening Word 2002 and the Screen Layout. Movie size (920 KB)

This video covers Working with documents, Cut & Paste, and selection techniques. Movie size (503 KB)

Undo, Redo, Formatting Toolbar. Movie size (595 KB)

"AutoText, Tags, And Error Correction". Movie size (600 KB)

Printing And Saving A Document and the Print Preview Toolbar. Movie size (1022 KB)

Word 2002 Help And The Office Assistant. Movie size (2289 KB)


Word 2000 Introduction

Section 1 - Getting Started

This section covers how to get started using Microsoft Word 2000. Each of the topics below are covered in detail. Scroll down the page to begin the section or click on a topic to jump directly to it.


Section 1.1 - What is Microsoft Word 2000?

Microsoft Word 2000, part of the Office 2000 suite of programs, is the word processing software of choice for everyone from fortune 500 companies to college students. It is an extremely versatile program which allows you to create everything from simple memos and letters to mailing lists and complex reports including graphs, images, and tables. Word 2000 is deceptively simple to learn yet surprisingly difficult to master. We hope this training will help you bridge that gap.

Section 1.2 - Starting Microsoft Word 2000

Before you can begin using Word 2000 you must start the program. There are two common ways to accomplish this. The first is the through the Windows desktop icon.

Starting Microsoft Word 2000 using the Windows desktop icon

  1. Find the Microsoft Word Icon on the Windows Desktop.
  2. Double click on the icon.
  3. Done!

The second method which can be used to access Word 2000 is the Windows Start Button. The Windows Start Button is located in the lower left hand corner of the desktop.

Starting Word 2000 using the Windows Start Button

  1. Click on the 'Start' Button on the Windows Desktop .
  2. Select 'Programs' by letting the mouse pointer hover over it.
  3. Click on 'Microsoft Word' from the list of programs.
  4. Done!

ColdFusion Tag Library


Visit the ColdFusion Tag Library


HTML Tag Library


Visit the HTML Tag Library









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