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PE 2950 Broadcom 5708 dual NICS fail after Dell update


The environment - Windows 2003 R2 server running on a Dell PE 2950 that has dual Broadcom 1 Gbit NICS (factory default NICS)

Had a problem with system storage throughput dropping to an unacceptable level - Dell tech support said it might be out of date NIC drivers. I didn't buy that theory but if you have dealt with factory support, then you know any out of date BIOS or driver is their first choice for 'bad guy' in almost any non-hardware failure scenario.

The server is in a secure environment requiring a security agent and client I.T. technician to stand by and monitor any vendor personnel who enters the room. No remote access or dial up Internet connection to the server is allowed.

This is a production server for the client's 24/7 operations. Any down time is a bad thing. I scheduled a 4 AM visit and told the client it might take up to two hours (trying to play it safe).

I downloaded the updated drivers, entered the room with my escorts at 4 A.M. I took the server off-line, installed the new drivers and that step put me straight into hell.

After a reboot, the NICS did not work. I re-installed the drivers, rebooted and no change. So, I called Dell Support - they asked me to (no surprise here) uninstall and reinstall. Did this, no joy... and it got worse from there. They handed me off (after about 3 hours) to Broadcom tech support. After 12 hours of back and forth, I called Microsoft $$$ Tech Support.

For what it's worth, after two escalations and sending some files back and forth, Microsoft came up with the fix.The solution is simple - once you know it. However, finding this information took 16 hours of going back and forth with tech support from Dell, Broadcom, and Microsoft. That was 16 hours in a relatively cold server room with two full shifts of security and IT technician escort staring at me. 

Step One: install the drivers (the NICS will probably not be working after this step).

Step Two: create the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wdf01005"

Step Three: add the DWORD value SystemComponent to the above key, set the value to 1

Step Four: Control Panel Add & Remove programs ? click on Change the Broadcom drivers, select repair /reinstall ? the NIC?s should start working again.


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