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Hi! My name is Heera Lal Prajapat. Thanks for taking your valuable time to read my article. I hope you will not be bored. This is updated technology of large scale computing. I'm working on ICT project in Rajasthan. In this project we setup a computer lab of 10 PC in every Govt. school. There I experience a new and successful technology of computing that?s ? N-computing


  1. What is N-computing?

N-computing is type of device by which you can connect more computers, but all computers have only Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse not CPU, RAM, HDD or particular system. All connected computers are working as Workstation.

  1. Why N-computing?

There is more reason to use this technology in various fields. Some are----

    • Reduce Operational Expenses
      Manage one virtual desktop OS for every 30 end-users thus reducing the number of operating systems to maintain by up to 97%.
    • Works With What You Have
      Integrates easily with your existing computing infrastructure, replacing costly PCs with simple, small and very durable N-computing access devices. The device itself has no CPU, memory, or moving parts so it is rugged, durable, and easy to maintain.
    • Deploys in Days, Not Months
      Too many solutions are a dreadful to implement, or they force companies to install more than they need. We deliver solutions of uncompromising quality and simplicity, on time, every time. Deploy in hours or days, not weeks or months.
    • The ideal desktop
      Employees love the extra desk space, the silent operation, and the fast boot time. IT staff appreciate the quick set-up, simple operation, and data security. In short, N-computing is the ideal desktop across your business.
  1. Quick facts
    • Virtually maintenance free
    • Quick set-up
    • Easy remote office management
    • Rugged devices stand up to tough conditions
    • Meet data, security and privacy rules
    • Not a theft target
    • Mount devices on monitors for a clutter-free, quiet, cool environment




Where we can use N-computing?

  • Federal, state and local offices
  • Field/branch offices
  • Libraries
  • Judicial courts
  • Temporary facilities
  • Emergency response
  • Police/fire stations
  • Rapid deployment
  • Service desks

Eco-friendly computing
We can't live without PCs, but we need to learn how to live with them: they consume too much electricity and generate too much e-waste. A typical PC takes 110 watts to run, and there are almost a billion of them on the planet. And according to the Silicon Valley Toxics Commission, e-waste is the fastest growing part of the waste stream.

The solution is simple
Today's PCs are so powerful that we no longer need one for each person. We can tap into the excess power in one PC and share it with many users. N-computing technology uses just 1 to 5 watts, lasts for a decade, and generates just a few ounces of e-waste.

Save on computer costs & electricity
N-computing systems save you 75% on hardware, and since they draw less than 5 watts, you reduce your energy footprint by as much as 90% per user. And because N-computing devices produce practically no heat, they reduce the need for energy-consuming air conditioning. Electricity savings alone can pay for the N-computing virtual desktops in as little as one year. No wonder N-computing has won so many green awards

Technical Notes for N-computing user

Install N-computing device in PCI slot of your computer and install driver for this device. Connect all Workstation to this PCI card by networking cable. For N-computing devices or switch you have to use only static or serial cable not cross cable.

This Project Report is useful for those persons who wants to setup Cyber café, Institute, Call Centers or any type of business in which computers are widely used. Because this save energy so it is best for use in villages. In Indian villages there is lack of electric energy. So they can use N-computing with LCDs to consume power and money to gain maximum profit.









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