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Information About The Four Main Parts Of The Computer


Computer is an electronic machine or device that works with data. The computer has three basic functions; input, processing and output.

CPU (Central Processing Unit) is, in simple terms, the brain of the computer. We can divide computer processors in to three types according to their release date.

1. Economy processors are low performance CPUs that are usually found in budget computer systems. 

2. Mainstream processors are the current line of CPUs used in normal, everyday computers.

3. New Releases processors that feature a new, breakthrough technology.

Monitor is the most important output device that displays information. There are two types of monitors.

1) CRT or Cathode Ray Tube monitors are the bulky monitors that looked like televisions. CRT monitors are much heavier than LCD monitors.  

2) LCD or Liquid Crystal Display monitors are the most compact, thin screen monitors and can be placed on wall or a shelf easily.  They are very compact and light.

 Keyboard is an input device allows us to instruct the computer what we want to do. Computer keyboards can be classified into four general types according to their layout.

1. Standard Keyboard are the regular keyboards supplied with most PC purchases.

2. Multimedia Keyboard are improved standard keyboards featuring extra keys. 

 3. Numerical Keyboard or a number pad simply consists of number keys, basic mathematical operations keys and  function keys .

  4. Ergonomic Keyboard were designed to reduce the stress standard keyboards have on the hands of certain computer users.

Mouse is a device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. There are three basic types of mice.

1.  Mechanical: Has a rubber or metal ball on its underside. Mechanical sensors within the mouse detect the direction.

2. Optomechanical: Same as a mechanical mouse, but uses optical sensors to detect motion of the ball.

3. Optical: Uses a laser to detect the mouse's movement. Optical mice have no mechanical moving parts.


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