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Employer Programs
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NCSA Employer Programs

      Thank you for your interest in the National Computer Science Academy (NCSA) employer partner program. This program was developed to meet the demand for computer trained employees both nationwide and globally. Our goal at NCSA is to set a standard for performance of IT employees by providing advanced methods to gauge and measure knowledge and proficiency . We have three levels of participation in the program which are described below.
  • Employee Testing Through NCSA Testing Services Another great opportunity is our free online knowledge based employee skills assessment program. With this program you will be able to use our professionally developed online examinations through your own custom portal as a tool to gauge an employees IT skills during the hiring process. Our system stores the information so that you can compare test results and make a more informed hiring decision. Learn more about Employee Testing

  • Employer Link Link to your job listings page in our searchable employer database viewed by thousands of our members from around the country and around the world. Click here to sign up

  • Job Listings Gives you the opportunity to post your job listings and have them listed online and sent out in our popular employment newsletter targeted at people in your area. Many internet sites charge from $50 to $200 per listing for this same service all we ask is that you place a small link to our site somewhere on your page. Click here to sign up

  • Contact Information For more information please email us at employers@ncsacademy.com or give us a call at 1 (888) 940-NCSA

Employee Testing FAQ's

How do I check the validity of an NCSA certificate?

Click on the following link to check on a certificate. Type in the certificate number to view basic information about the certificate holder. Verify A Certificate

An NCSA certificate is equivalent to what level of experience?

An NCSA certificate measures the skills equivalent to six months of experience working with a program or language in a business environment. We use workplace surveys across a range of fields and try to find the general underlying themes common to most users. We incorporate these areas into three broad exam areas you see on the test.

How do I sign up for employee testing?

You can sign up here. Once signed up you will have a unique testing page on our site, access to existing exams, and the ability to create your own custom exams. You can administer these exams to your current or future employees and will be able to review and compare the scores through your Administrator Control Panel.

How do I use exam PINs?

PIN numbers are used to control access through your portal. In order to give an exam you will need to provide the tester with the PIN number for the exam they have been assigned and direct them to your testing page on our site. You can find a link and URL to your page from inside the administrative control panel. At the testing page, the user would select the exam, enter the PIN number you've provided, then enter some brief identifying information or enter their username and password if they are returning users.

How do I access my custom testing portal?

A link to your testing portal can be found by logging into your administrator control panel here. The link is listed about midway down the page in the first area. This is where you should send your users when they are ready to take their exam and is a good place to link from your site so you have easy access. The testing portal will be in the format http://www.ncsacademy.com/testing/yourbusinesshere

Where do I log in to my administrator control panel?

You can log in at https://www.ncsacademy.com/testingservices/adminlogin.cfm There will also be a link provided from your testing portal page.


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